
>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Since my parents left, I've been in a funk. I'm not sure if it is because I went from being out and about everyday for a week to staying home bored or if it is because my dad left me this nasty cold. I love to remind him that he made me sick so yeah Thanks Dad! It probably doesn't help any that we work up to a nasty stormy day. I'm grateful to get a break from the heat but it's just so dreary outside!

I think the kids are feeling it too. They have been in a bad mood all day, especially Christopher which is so unlike him!

On a brighter note, I am very much looking forward to Saturday! Chris is taking me out for my birthday a little early. We are going to see Dark Knight and Stepbrother! A quick bite to eat at my favorite fast food chain, Arby's and it will be a great night away from the kids! Hopefully, weather permitting, Monday we will go up to Lake Pleasant for some swimming.

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