Snow and Blood.. not in that order

>> Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Christopher needed a CBC and a lead recheck. Just the regular 2 yr old stuff that we hadn't done yet oops!!

He was so great, he watched them put the needle in, flinched just a little but nothing bad, said "ohhh" and that was about it! She said to him "oh what a good boy you are" and he said 'yeah I are!!"

He was very good and she gave him 6 stickers!

Tomorrow Elizabeth may have another snow day. We are expecting 8-15 inches! I hope this is the last snowfall for the year. They are doing snow removal around the city today, which I am glad for because if they pile anymore snow up in front of our house We won't be able to see the road! Ok that was a big of an exaggeration but to Christopher and Elizabeth it is accurate!

I have been training for an online job at a company called KGB. They have just started an ad campaign so you may have already heard about them. What we do is answer questions that people text in from their cell phones. For the last week, I've had a shadow. A person who has been with the company for a while to look over my work before sending it out to the customer. I just got my email this morning that my shadow shifts are over and I am a full fledged KGB agent! It pays .10 per text which doesn't seem but but it does add up! Hopefully it will work out. It is a fun job and I enjoy doing it.

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